


Humble Object at XUnitPatterns.com

Example: Humble Dialog

Many development environments let us build the user interface
visually by dragging and dropping various visual objects ("widgets")
onto a canvas.

They let us add behavior to these visual objects by selecting one of
the possible actions or events specific to that visual object and typing
logic into the code window the IDE presents us with.

This logic may involve invoking the application behind the user interface or it
may involve modifying the state of this or other visual objects.

Visual objects are very hard to test efficiently because they are tightly coupled
to the presentation framework that invokes them.

The test would need to simulate that environment to provide the visual object with
all the information and facilities it requires.

This makes testing very complicated, so much so that many development teams don't
bother testing the presentation logic at all.

This leads to Production Bugs caused by untested code and Untested Requirements.
これは、テストされていないコードとテストされていない要件によって引き起こされるProduction Bugsに

To create the Humble Dialog, we extract all the logic from the view component into
a non-visual component that is testable via synchronous tests.

If this component needs to update the view object's (the Humble Dialog's) state, the Humble Dialog is passed in as an argument.

When testing the non-visual component, we typically replace the Humble Dialog with a Mock Object that is configured with the indirect input values and the expected behavior (indirect outputs.)

In some GUI frameworks, where the Humble Dialog has to register itself with the framework for each event it wishes to see, the non-visual component can register itself instead of the Humble Dialog (as long as that doesn't introduce unmanageable dependencies on the context) and this makes the Humble Dialog even simpler because these events go directly to the non-visual component and require no delegation logic
Humble Dialogが見たい各イベントのフレームワークに自分自身を登録しなければならないGUIフレームワークでは、非ビジュアルコンポーネントは、ハンブルダイアログの代わりに自身を登録することができます。コンテキスト)、これらのイベントは非ビジュアルコンポーネントに直接移動し、委譲ロジックを必要としないため、Humble Dialogをさらに単純化します

The following code sample is from a VB view component (.ctl) with some non-trivial logic.

It is part of a custom plug-in we built for Mercury Interactive's TestDirector tool.
Mercury InteractiveのTestDirectorツール用に作成したカスタムプラグインの一部です。

' Interface method, TestDirector will call this method
' to display the results.Public Sub ShowResultEx(TestSetKey As TdTestSetKey, _ TSTestKey As TdTestKey, _
ResultKey As TdResultKey)
Dim RpbFiles As OcsRpbFiles
Set RpbFiles = getTestResultFileNames(ResultKey)
ResultsFileName = RpbFiles.ActualResultFileName
ShowFileInBrowser ResultsFileName
End Sub

Function getTestResultFileNames(ResultKey As Variant) _ As OcsRpbFiles
On Error GoTo Error
Dim Attachments As Collection
Dim thisTest As Run
Dim RpbFiles As New OcsRpbFiles
Call EnsureConnectedToTd
Set Attachments = testManager.GetAllAttachmentsOfRunTest(ResultKey)
Call RpbFiles.LoadFromCollection(Attachments, "RunTest")
Set getTestResultFileNames = RpbFiles
Exit Function
Error: ' do something ...End Function
Example VbViewWithLogic embedded from VB6/HumbleDialog-Not/ResultViewerPane.ctl

Ideally, we would like to test the logic but we are unable to construct the objects passed in as parameters because they don't have public constructors.

Passing in objects of some other type isn't possible either because the types of the function parameters are hard-coded to be specific concrete classes.

We can do an Extract Testable Component (page X) refactoring on the executable to create the testable component leaving behind just the Humble Dialog as an empty shell.
テスト可能なコンポーネントを作成して空のシェルとしてHumble Dialogだけを残すように、実行可能ファイルに対してTestable Component(page X)のリファクタリングを行うことができます。

This typically involves doing several Extract Method refactorings (already done in the original example to make the refactoring easier to understand), one for each chunk of logic that we want to move.

We then do an Extract Class refactoring to create our new testable component class.
その後、Extract Classリファクタリングを実行して、新しいテスト可能コンポーネントクラスを作成します。
The Extract Class refactoring may include both Move Method[Fowler] refactorings and Move Field[Fowler] refactoring to move the logic and the data it requires from the Humble Dialog to the new testable component.
エクストラクトクラスリファクタリングには、Moveメソッド[Fowler]リファクタリングとMove Field [Fowler]リファクタリングの両方が含まれており、必要なロジックとデータをハンブルダイアログから新しいテスト可能コンポーネントに移動できます。
Here's the same view converted to a Humble Dialog:

' Interface method, TestDirector will call this method
' to display the results.Public Sub ShowResultEx(TestSetKey As TdTestSetKey, _ TSTestKey As TdTestKey, _
ResultKey As TdResultKey)
Dim RpbFiles As OcsRpbFiles
Call EnsureImplExists
Set RpbFiles = Implementation.getTestResultFileNames(ResultKey)
ResultsFileName = RpbFiles.ActualResultFileName
ShowFileInBrowser ResultsFileName
End Sub

Private Sub EnsureImplExists() If Implementation Is Nothing Then Set Implementation = New OcsScriptViewerImpl
End If
End Sub
Example VbViewAsHumbleDialog embedded from VB6/HumbleDialog/ResultViewerPane.ctl

' ResultViewer Implemenation:
Public Function getTestResultFileNames(ResultKey As Variant) _ As OcsRpbFiles
On Error GoTo Error

Dim Attachments As Collection
Dim thisTest As Run
Dim RpbFiles As New OcsRpbFiles
Call EnsureConnectedToTd
Set Attachments = testManager.GetAllAttachmentsOfRunTest(ResultKey)
Call RpbFiles.LoadFromCollection(Attachments, "RunTest")
Set getTestResultFileNames = RpbFiles
Exit Function
Error: ' do something ...End Function

We could now instantiate this OcsScriptViewerImpl class easily and write VbUnit tests for it.
I've omitted the tests for space reasons because they don't really show anything particularly interesting.